Christopher Nasados - 2024 Runner Stories

In 2017 I reached rock bottom. I was 442 lbs and hated myself for what I had allowed myself to become. I would get out of breath climbing the stairs to my bedroom, and I would have to stop multiple times when mowing my lawn to catch my breath. I finally had enough. I stopped eating junk food and sugary drinks and I started walking. After a few months, as the weight continued to come off I would slowly run for short distances. By 2018 I ran, slowly, my first 5k. This was followed in about another year with my first 10k. Fast forward to today, I have lost over 200 lbs, I have run in 7 half marathons, and Cleveland will be my third marathon. I am not fast, but I am faster then I ever was sitting on my couch. Running saved my life.Pxl 20231119 181934236 Christopher Nasados
