Rules & Regulations

All rules set forth for the Cleveland Marathon have been established in order to protect the safety of our participants and keep us in good standing with our governing body, the USATF.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping everyone to enjoy race day.

1. No wheeled vehicles are allowed on the course at any time. All bikes, strollers, motorcycles, cars, etc. will be immediately removed by race personnel.

2. Only registered participants may be on the course during the 7 hour event. Spectators are asked to remain on the sidewalks.

3. Headphones ARE permitted on the course due to the revised legislation passed by the USATF, the governing body.

4. Participants must stay on the official course at all times.  It is the responsibility of each participant to know the course and follow the appropriate color-coded signage.  Participants who leave the course will automatically be disqualified. Please see the course map to learn the course before race day.

5. Only participants wearing the provided MyLaps timing tag will be timed and included in the final race results.
