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Posts for Category: "Nutrition"

Nutrition Tips

Nutrition Tips for Training from University Hospitals

The Union Home Mortgage Cleveland Marathon may have been postponed until the fall, but good training and nutrition is never postponed. Proper fitness techniques, hydration and a healthy diet are alw...
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One week to race day! you've put in the miles, well done!  Here's the highlights of what to do and what not to do this week to let food help your performance, not get in the way. Stick to What you...
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Nutrition Bites - Eat Pasta, run fasta?

Eat pasta, run fasta? Actually, yes! You know the feeling of cruising along, mile after mile...until your just can't anymore. You've hit the wall. One reason for this is that your energy stores are ...
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Nutrition Bites - Tapering

Nutrition in tapering Tapering is in the near future, depending on your training plan...does anyone else feel like the taper is the hardest part of training? For the times I wonder "is this worth it?...
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Nutrition Bites - Training your gut

Training your gut: why and how to practice for race day With 4 weeks until race day, let the long runs commence!  We all know that training is essential to help prepare the body for race day, but di...
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Nutrition Bites - Vegetarian Recipes

Vegetarian Recipes It's both Meatless Monday (the global movement) and Tax here's a week of plant protein-packed meals that won't break the bank! Shakshuka A North African dish of eggs, t...
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Nutrition Bites - Carbohydrate Facts

Carbohydrate Facts Let's talk about the misunderstood, ever important carbohydrate! Carbohydrates are found in grains, beans/legumes, dairy, fruits and starchy veggies like potatoes and squash. Ther...
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Nutrition Bites - Protein Review

Protein Review I say protein, you think muscle! Of course, most of us know that protein is needed to build muscle... but did you know that it plays a crucial role in your immune system, moving materi...
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Granola Bar Guide

Nutrition Bites - Which Bar When?

Which Bar When? The hallmark granola bar. A convenient and delicious way to fuel your body. Some granola bars can help you fuel up for a workout, and others are helpful in recovery post workout. Chec...
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Nutrition Bites - Iron

Ladies, this one is for you! Let's talk about iron. (Men, you have lower requirements and higher capacity to store iron, so it's likely you're getting what you need.) Iron is crucial in the making of...
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